Order this product and receive a version 4 license file to upgrade your existing version 3 software. Upgrades will be available through November 30th, 2018. After this date, to acquire version 4 you will need to purchase a completely new master license. Version 4 Mirage adds: 1. Image editing directly in Mirage 4.0 2. User-friendly settings dialog 3. Adjustment of image sharpness 4. Full 16-bit support of print data 5. The new "Loupe" zoom function 6. Pixel-accurate print preview 7. Support of Photoshop filters 8. Faster print preview 9. Real 64-bit structure even on Mac 10.Improved workflow for droplets 11. Optimized print dialog 12.Support of additional PRO add-on measurement modes 13.Chroma Optimizer selection for Canon PRO printers 14.Loading of custom media 15.Full support of LAB color space 16.macOS High Sierra, Adobe CC 2018, and many more supported