Everything you need to Make Covid-19 Signs

Everything you need to Make Covid-19 Signs

We are going through difficult and uncertain times and we have to adapt to this new normal. Your clients are going to need signs and for that we have you covered.

There is a lot of free printable health and information sign templates related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus on line and we have all the paper, media and subtracts you need to print them. 

Now you can print signs on Aluminium plate, Poster-board, Adhesive, Scrim Banner or low cost paper to help out your customers. Here are some of them:

Sign N#1: Rigid printable Poster-board Ideal for Display or Easel

Sign N#2: Affordable Poster paper

Sign N#3: Scrim Water resistant Banner Material

Sign N#4: Easy to laminate, Easy to clean printable Metal Sign

Sign N#5: Adhesive paper of A frame Sign, Windows, cars